When you’re considering any purchasing decision, user feedback is a valuable way to verify how satisfied customers feel after making a purchase. Built around a single question on a 1 to 10 scale, Net Promoter Score (NPS) is the simplest way for B2B firms to replicate the experience of asking a friend for a recommendation for a product or service.
When you’re looking for vital and costly services from a firm like a SaaS provider, NPS provides a critical starting point to evaluate their suitability for your business. And yet, when it comes to securing a service like a website redesign, which carries a similar impact to both your business and its budget, NPS is seldom available for your review. NPS results showcase how well a firm builds and manages relationships over time.
Of course, even if you’ve found a web design agency that shares results from NPS surveys, these details aren’t just another accolade for a B2B firm to brag about. NPS results showcase how well a firm builds and manages relationships over time. When you need to ensure a return on investment from an important digital project — and, potentially, much more — NPS information provides a critical place to start.
How NPS Surveys Reflect the Agency-Client Collaboration
The metrics for NPS surveys are deceptively simple. Your agency partner’s results hinge on a simple question: “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our services?”
NPS surveys also include space to write comments, but they’re intended to be very simple and ask for little of the client’s time. Within that straightforward question, however, there are three tiers among the responses that provide a window into their experience.
9 to 10 (Promoters)
Enthusiastic, loyal clients.
7 to 8 (Passives)
Clients who may be satisfied, but not full supporters.
0 to 6 (Detractors)
Unhappy customers.
At Clear Digital, we look at those ranges and find several calls to action. If one of our clients is enthusiastically happy with our service, we look for reasons why and try to replicate that experience across our roster.
Respondents who are in the middle range are equally important because they could go either way. They’re satisfied with our service, but what can we do to make them more enthusiastic? Clients who fall in the “Passives” category could become promoters or just as easily leave for another agency.
Obviously, survey responses with the lowest scores identify a glaring problem. Not only are Detractors likely to leave, they can damage a firm’s reputation by sharing their poor experience. If your firm partners with a web agency and has a poor experience, that agency should work on resolving your issues immediately. Otherwise, they shouldn’t be your partner any longer.
Every NPS Response Carries Much More Than a Numerical Value
Ultimately, not every client will complete an NPS survey, which is what makes any response especially impactful. We view NPS results as an opportunity to open the door to further investigation about the partnership.
We view NPS results as an opportunity to open the door to further investigation about the partnership.
Though a simple, one-question survey, NPS scores open the door to specific follow-up questions about your experience as a customer. At Clear Digital, we first want to recognize the impact of a client who took the time to respond and explore any lingering details about their experience. We want to give our clients every opportunity to be heard.
Even when respondents offer glowing feedback, we always respond and thank them personally. The goal is to keep our relationship with every client running smoothly, and that begins by providing a structure for consistent communication.
Frequent NPS Surveys Allow for Continuous Improvement
Consistent project status updates and closing retrospectives with your web design agency provide a vital window into your creative partnership. But they’re just a few touchpoints a web design firm can provide during your collaboration.
NPS surveys provide another crucial checkpoint about the health of your web design partnership. At Clear Digital, we want to consistently provide an opportunity to receive this kind of feedback from our clients. Every quarter, we send out a new survey to the major stakeholders at any firm we’ve worked with on a project.
After all, we’re looking to establish long-term, collaborative partnerships. By ensuring regular checkpoints are in place that keep lines of communication open, we’re looking to identify potential issues and trends as quickly as possible. And, consequently, we keep gathering insights into how we can work together more effectively.
NPS Surveys Constitute Further Investment in a Healthy Agency Partnership
There are steps your firm can follow to improve how well you and your web design partner work together. But your web design agency should be equally invested in the continuous improvement of their process.
Finding the right collaborator for a project is as important as your firm’s website redesign is challenging. Tools like NPS surveys allow us to complete our due diligence toward ensuring our partnerships have every opportunity to respond to feedback and improve as they go on.
Why NPS Results Further Solidify Your Firm’s Choice of a Creative Partner
Though web design and development is a customer-centered business, not every firm opts to include NPS surveys as part of its process. A lack of such scores shouldn’t raise any red flags when you’re evaluating a potential partnership. Firms use multiple methods to demonstrate their value to prospects. But NPS results provide a more complete picture of a web design agency and the details behind their work.
At Clear Digital, we like the differentiating factor our NPS surveys provide. For one, they provide a broader reflection of our client relationships than a handful of testimonials and case studies. But they also offer insight into what prospective clients can expect from working with our team.
We consistently attain world-class NPS scores with really strong client feedback. Our retention rate is around 90%, which speaks to the energy we devote to client services and proactively ensuring every project runs smoothly. And when issues arise as we collect regular feedback from clients about their experience, we find solutions.
Not every web design agency places such a premium on making sure their clients have every opportunity to be heard. But NPS scores are simply another part of our process to ensure we’re doing all we can to generate the best results from every collaboration. If this sounds like a way of working together that suits your firm, let’s get started.