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4 Ways B2B Firms Can Build Brand Awareness and Boost Sales

A website redesign is often a natural time to examine the engagement you are getting from your website as well as the overall health of their brand.

You need considerable focus to figure out what aspects of your current site are working to convert visitors to prospective clients and what areas need improvement. But for all the attention that’s applied to converting website visitors into prospective customers, it can’t come at the expense of serving the crucial first step of the sales funnel.

Obviously, conversions are critical to the health of your business. But every customer journey starts on a foundation of brand awareness. Though search engine traffic contributes to the likelihood your website will attract users browsing for a service, your website drives their purchasing decisions based on a personal connection with your brand.

Obviously, conversions are critical to the health of your business. But every customer journey starts on a foundation of brand awareness.

How to Build Brand Awareness Among Your Target Audience

Brand awareness keeps your company at the top of your prospects’ minds as they consider a product or service. While every firm would like its brand to be familiar to everyone worldwide, you only need to build brand awareness among a single population: Your target audience.

By following these four steps, you can ensure your website is doing everything it can to raise your brand awareness.

1. Establish a Brand Strategy

Before you can optimize your website to build visibility for your firm, you need to first establish a clear identity for your brand. Think about your company’s positioning, its audience, and the ways you want to communicate with them.

As you shape your website content to raise brand awareness, you have to ensure you’re delivering a consistent experience across every channel. From social media outreach to thought leadership articles and email campaigns, the resources you dedicate toward building visibility for your brand must feel aligned with the rest of your website’s content. If your prospect finds inconsistency as they venture further down the marketing funnel, all your efforts will be wasted.

A strong strategy is essential for B2B tech companies, which typically feature long sales cycles. As customers take time to evaluate a purchase that could necessitate a considerable investment of time, effort, and budget, you must ensure they keep your brand in mind every step of the way.

2. Consistently Publish Blog Content

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As customers evaluate whether your firm is the right fit for their organization, they want to know they are hiring the best in their field. A robust, constantly refreshing supply of authoritative, topic-specific blog posts give your website visitors the assurance they need.

By producing new content consistently, your website remains an active presence for customers. Plus, a regularly updated site tends to perform better from an SEO perspective, which will keep your brand visible in search results.

Promoting your blog posts on social media provides another means of ensuring your brand remains in the spotlight. The more articles you share, the more likely they are to be seen and shared by your followers.

As you publish more content, you establish your B2B firm’s website as a deep knowledge base for your prospects. Whatever service your firm provides, your blog builds upon your reputation as industry experts. As your content educates readers, they recognize you as the authoritative voice in your field.

From a brand awareness perspective, there’s no stronger reputation to establish.

3. Provide Easy-to-Digest Infographics & Calculators


While blog posts offer valuable testimony to your firm’s expertise, not every customer consumes information the same way. Along with providing a platform for your firm’s thought leaders through articles, you should also convey your firm’s expertise through clear, shareable tools and infographics.

Whether illustrating performance data for your product or calculating a potential return on investment from your services, these visual components offer an engaging, scannable resource to your prospects. Eye-catching components perform well on social media, and as long as you ensure your branding is prominent, they provide a valuable means of building brand awareness each time they’re shared.

Even if every site visitor isn’t necessarily ready to engage with your firm now, they can better retain the information you’ve provided by consuming visual or interactive content.

Over a long sales cycle, content that takes on a second life of its own is a vital resource.

4. Offer Downloadable Resources

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Though your website should be optimized to hold your customer’s attention, its reach is extended by providing additional content that can be referenced later.

Much like infographics, downloadable documents such as white papers, eBooks, and case studies contribute to your brand’s authority. Capable of incorporating graphics, outside research, and compelling visual design, these resources provide another means for your content to live beyond the constraints of your website.

Providing an in-depth example of your firm’s knowledge, downloadable documents allow your site’s visitors to both share your perspective elsewhere in their organization and retain it as a resource. Given the expertise promised within their pages, these resources can be positioned as gated or ungated assets to encourage a mix of commitment from your prospects.

Gated documents have value, and by asking for an email address to access a download, your prospects are effectively paying with their personal data. With that level of “investment,” your downloadable resources are also more likely to be retained and remembered. Ensuring these assets are visually tied to your brand establishes a stronger, more memorable presence among your potential customers.

These resources provide another means for your content to live beyond the constraints of your website.

Build a Reputation Through Raising Brand Awareness

While researching a purchase, any consumer wants to know they’re spending their money wisely. Factor in the level of investment that’s tied with B2B tech products and services, and the need for assurance grows that much stronger.

Your website doesn’t just provide a means to deliver sales; it also provides a far-reaching platform to communicate who you are as a company and the expertise you offer. To be effective, you don’t need to establish your brand as a name on everyone’s lips. You need to make sure it stands out within your industry and among your competitors.

Brand awareness is a fundamental pillar toward building a connection with your customer. With a thoughtful, strategic approach to content, you can ensure that connection is built to last.