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Agency-Client Digital Superteams

There’s a polar shift happening in the digital marketing landscape.

The non-digital campaign is now a relic of a bygone era.

Where specialized digital agencies like Clear Digital were once the experts in designing and developing essential components of a larger campaign or brand initiative, today everyone does digital. Everything is digital.

Yesterday’s outsourcing to the experts who “do digital” has become today’s targeted team expansion, where marketing teams build their in-house digital resources on mission-critical projects to discover, research, design, code, measure and learn at a higher velocity. Design-oriented thinking and approaches are becoming native to companies of all sizes.

So where does that leave digital agencies?

The smart in-house teams recognize that they can become too focused on their singular brand, lack the wider perspective, and understand the inherent advantage that bringing in the perspective of an agency working with multiple brands can bestow. But they don’t want to just observe the process, they want to immerse in it. Today’s in-house teams are made up of our UX/UI design and development peers, with their own expertise and informed points of view on design trends, technology platforms, and processes.

As a digital agency, we welcome this change.

Our client relationships have become more collaborative and transparent, and our projects more rewarding. The relationship is a partnership in its purest sense. We’re working together to drive long-term digital strategy, rather than building the next thing. We’re finding new problems to solve and exploring new way to solve them, ultimately creating better experiences — what we set out to do from the very beginning.

Our perspective and experience are becoming the core value we provide to our clients, rather than specific solutions or deliverables, with collaboration as the engine. Working together, we create more robust and rewarding web and digital solutions with complex integrations and multiple touchpoints. This only goes to further our company mission: We create simplicity in a complex digital world.

In the end, this shift is good for us, it’s good for our clients and, perhaps most importantly, it’s good for end users.